Tuesday 29 May 2012

Episode 3. Raiders of the Lost Stationery

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Staples, paperclips and pen tops are all disappearing from Brack and X-769-C's admin office on board the Suncrusher Space Station. What does this have to do artificially intelligent lifts and the strange creature that lurks in the stationery department?

Music. EVIL MARCH by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)

Logo designed by Scott Gavin

Monday 21 May 2012

Episode 2: The Bride of Calculus

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Having to moonlight in the finance department due to a rather nasty binding incident our two favourite admin workers for the Galactic Empire find some dodgy expense claims from an equally dodgy professor.

Music. EVIL MARCH by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)

Logo designed by Scott Gavin

Episode 1: The Phantom Payslip

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It is a time of Inter-Galactic turmoil. The peaceful tyranny of the Galactic Empire is being forever threatened by evil Anarchist forces. Only the Sun-Crusher spacestation can bring order back to the Empire.
Meanwhile two 2nd class admin workers from sector F have some reports on the misuse of trash compactors that are not going to file themselves.
Brack Nubar - A shiftless Stella-Marine wannabe with the charisma of a Blankoniam Bland Lizard.
X-769-C - An erratic anally retentive ex-post robot who has more than a few chips missing.
Queep Space - is the brain child of Richard Delafield and Iain Mackness who have both spent too many years watching good, bad and down right awful science fiction films.

Music. EVIL MARCH by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)

Logo designed by Scott Gavin